5.0 Stars - 10 Reviews
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Many Successes for our Central & East Team

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Class Q of the General Permitted Development Order still offers opportunities for farmers wishing to make use of building assets they no longer require. 

Four such cases handled by Brian Barrow for our Central and East team involved a redundant fruit store in Essex, a former free range poultry shed in Kent, a former pig building in Essex, and a general purpose store in Bedfordshire.

The fruit store was of mainly concrete block construction and the scheme drawn up by Acorus Architect Sid Richards involved a three and a five bedroom house.  Uttlesford Borough Council confirmed no prior approval was required.

In the Kent case, a free range shed which was no longer economic was designed as two dwellings was granted prior approval.  The scheme involved the removal of a central section and creation of two single storey timber framed dwellings.

A second case in Uttlesford involved a small former pig building where the Local Planning Authority granted prior approval for a one bedroom property.

The fourth case involved a portal framed and brick walled building in Central Bedfordshire.  The Acorus drawn scheme showed two four bedroom semi detached houses, part two storey.
