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Planning permission was achieved for a new dwelling in Essex

Planning permission was achieved for a new dwelling in Essex

Acorus successfully obtained planning permission for a unique new build dwelling on a farm in Essex. The site historically had a mobile home positioned on it, which had been occupied as a residence for over ten years. It was on this basis a Certificate of Lawful use was granted, this had effectively established the principle of a dwelling on the site, which was in addition to a listed farmhouse, the mobile home therefore being an additional dwelling.

The mobile home was situated in the middle of the working farmyard and proximity to the listed building. This was considered not ideal, and betterment could be achieved through relocating this “dwelling”. In particular, the mobile home, together with a separate garage building were considered to be causing harm to the setting of the listed house. A planning case, including full design and detail of the new dwelling, was therefore prepared to remove the mobile home, together with the adjacent garage building, and replace them with a new build permanent house in a more suitable location.

In discussions with our clients, an old barn conversion style dwelling was pursued, which fits in well with the setting and surroundings. The dwelling effectively consists of two single-storey barns with a connecting modern glass link. The external materials were based on buildings that were near the listed farmhouse, the materials included flint and brick mix, and a slate roof. The new plot’s location meant an open-plan living area could benefit the fabulous views over the valley. The design had to consider the proximity of the existing modern agricultural buildings next door in terms of light and obstructed views. The dwelling’s windows and openings were positioned carefully to avoid direct view of these modern buildings making the valley view the ultimate feature.

Ultimately it was found by Braintree District Council that the benefit of replacing the mobile home, with a well-designed dwelling, away from the listed house was a sufficient basis on which to grant planning permission.  Acorus and the client are extremely happy with the outcome and the benefits achieved at the site. They are now preparing to start the construction of the dwelling.


Permitted Development Amendments are now Live

Changes to permitted development rights have been announced, notably Class Q (formerly agricultural buildings to dwellinghouses, now buildings on established agricultural units to dwellinghouses) and

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