Getting planning permission for development in the Green Belt can be difficult. Whilst replacement dwellings is one type of development which might not be inappropriate often the size and scope of what can be achieved is very limited. This can be frustrating where an existing poor-quality dwelling occupies a fabulous location. Brian Barrow an Acorus consultant was faced with such a site in Beaconsfield that had been in the same family since it was built.
The property dated back to the 1920s and had been a smallholding but other than the addition of a few outbuildings had been little changed over the period since. Part of the challenge was to get a good-sized dwelling on the plot to take advantage of the fantastic views and land available.
Working with an Acorus Architectural Designer, a dwelling was designed that used the natural slope to maximise the site. A larger size than the existing dwelling was argued on the back of the loss of outbuildings in the residential curtilage plus an allowance for permitted development rights that were not used. This increased the size significantly.
The design incorporated a three-story front and two-storey rear with a good-sized cellar so limiting the overall impact.
The Local Authority didn’t accept the scheme suggesting it was too big and not appropriate. A 2-pronged approach was then adopted with a redesign to try and offset some of the concerns alongside an appeal. It was the appeal of the original scheme however that came through first which was successful, so the original concept was approved.
The site with the existing dwelling and the planning permission granted is now for sale via Tim Russ & Company.
Application taken to Judicial Review and quashed
An approach was made by a farmer/landowner (the client) to review a current planning application that was on land near to their farm. Locally there