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New Permitted Development Right Coming Into Force – Replacement Of Commercial Buildings With Dwellings

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New Permitted Development Right Coming Into Force – Replacement Of Commercial Buildings With Dwellings

Recent years have seen the introduction of a number of new permitted development rights, in particular for the change of use of buildings to dwellings in an effort to boost housing. A new right which comes into effect on 31st August 2020 allows for the replacement of some commercial buildings to a residential use.

Under Class ZA of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO 2015 (updated and amended) a building that was in use class B1 (offices, research and development, and light industrial) on 12th March 2020, or when last in use before that date, can be demolished and replaced with either a block of flats, or a purpose built dwelling house, subject to a number of permitted operations.   There are other qualifying requirements and points to consider, such as the old building has to have been constructed prior to 31 December 1989, it has to have been vacant for at least 6 months prior to the date of application, and the building has to be considered safe and habitable.

If the building complies with the requirements then a prior approval application must be made to the local authority, where multiple matters are considered including, but no limited to,  transport and highways impacts, contamination risks, flooding risks, design and external appearance of the new building, to include the provision of adequate natural light, amenity and noise.

Class ZA is a relatively complex procedure compared to some other permitted development rights, so a robust submission should be prepared to address all prior notification issues.

If the above is of interest, and you think you many have a building which benefits from the new permitted development rights, please contact Acorus to discuss, together with any other planning and design related queries.
